Loren Eiseley - Essayist, Philosopher, Literary Naturalist

Donate to the Loren Eiseley Society

You may make your donation by one of several methods. The most convenient method is to utilize the secure PayPal payment system. Just follow the subsequent directions to make your donation via PayPal. Acknowledgement of the receipt of your donation will be made via email.

At all donation levels your contribution will be recognized. At the $500 and $250 donation levels, you will also be invited to attend special events sponsored by the Loren Eiseley Society and we can post a bio and/or statement regarding Eiseley from you at our website. Our goal is to rejuvenate the Loren Eiseley Society by creating activities to inspire a new generation of Eiseley fans by promoting his message and sharing his vision for humankind and to encourage writing skills development.


Select the Amount of Your PayPal Donation:



Donating by Check or Money Order

You can also make a donation by mailing your check or money order to the Loren Eiseley Society. Make your donation payment out to "Loren Eiseley Society" and mail it to this address:

Loren Eiseley Society
P.O. Box 80934
Lincoln, NE 68501-0934


About Your Donation

Your generous support will go toward the Loren Eiseley Society's various educational and community outreach efforts, as well as projects to commemorate Eiseley in his home region. As a non-profit organization, tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) and section 170 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

If you need more information or have questions about donations, please contact:

Dr. Bing Chen, President, Loren Eiseley Society
PKI 200A, 1110 South 67th Street
Omaha, NE USA 68182-0572
(402) 554-2769


Free Event:
Topic: The Unexpected Universe: Technology, Science, and Civilization with Bing Chen, PhD
Date: Sat., Jan. 11, 2025
Time: 2pm CST (USA)
Place: Online via Zoom
Info: Event Info
Video: View on YouTube
LES Projects:
Book Available:
Loren Eiseley Reader advertisement
The Loren Eiseley Reader is now available for purchase from the Nebraska Book Source.
Price: $26.95
S&H: Shipping charges based on weight
Tax: NE residents pay 7% sales tax
"Man would not be man if his dreams did not exceed his grasp... If I remember the sunflower forest it is because from its hidden reaches man arose. The green world is his sacred center. In moments of sanity he must still seek refuge there..."

- Loren Eiseley, The Invisible Pyramid
Learn More: