Loren Eiseley - Essayist, Philosopher, Literary Naturalist

Loren Eiseley Reader

The Reader is an anthology of Eiseley's most popular essays, intended for K-16 classroom use. The foreword is by noted author Ray Bradbury, and illustrations are by Lincoln artist Aaron Franco.

Published in 2009, The Reader has an illustrated map of Loren Eiseley's Nebraska, including locations of archaeological discoveries by Eiseley and The South Party from the University of Nebraska State Museum. Also included are several photos of Eiseley, his family and colleagues.

Purchase your own copy of the The Loren Eiseley Reader from the Nebraska Book Source.

Eiseley Reader Cover
The Loren Eiseley Reader
(Illustration by Aaron Franco)


Teacher's Guide

View the Teacher's Guide for The Loren Eiseley Reader.


Loren Eiseley Reader Donors

Your donation to the Loren Eiseley Society Reader project will go toward publication costs and the costs to distribute The Reader free of charge to schools and libraries in Nebraska. A donation of any amount really does make a difference. Thank you to all of our donors!

$10,000 and above

$5,000 - $9,999

$1,000 - $4,999

$500 - $999

$100 - $499

$25 - $99

Free Event:
Topic: The Unexpected Universe: Technology, Science, and Civilization with Bing Chen, PhD
Date: Sat., Jan. 11, 2025
Time: 2pm CST (USA)
Place: Online via Zoom
Info: Event Info
Video: View on YouTube
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Book Available:
Loren Eiseley Reader advertisement
The Loren Eiseley Reader is now available for purchase from the Nebraska Book Source.
Price: $26.95
S&H: Shipping charges based on weight
Tax: NE residents pay 7% sales tax
"We have joined the caravan, you might say, at a certain point; we will travel as far as we can see, but we cannot in one lifetime see all that we would like to see or learn all that we hunger to know."

- Loren Eiseley, The Immense Journey
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